Madhav Kumar Nepal: We would have ended already, if we haven’t revolt from UML

Nepal Views

Madhav Kumar Nepal: We would have ended already, if we haven’t revolt from UML

Kathmandu: CPN (Unified Socialist) Chairperson Madhav Kumar Rai  said that the revolt form CPN(UML) has been confirmed many times.

Addressing the party convention Chairperson Nepal said that if they had not rebelled, they would have already finished. He taunted CPN(UML) for not attending to wish the convention.  He said that he called CPN(UML) leaders. He taunted CPN(UML) by saying that their wounds are not healed.

Likewise, Chairperson Nepal said they were not obstacle for the unity of the left wing, and he said that the top level leaders should take the initiative for the matter.

He called cadres to begin in building the organization, saying that it would not touch it until its party is strengthen, He even criticized the government by saying corruption was extreme in the country.

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