Parliament employees on protest; Not present even to assist Speaker (Photo Feature)

The effect of the ongoing protest of the employees, putting forth their 11 points of demands, has been seen in the HoR meeting as well.

Nepal Views

Parliament employees on protest; Not present even to assist Speaker (Photo Feature)

Kathmandu: Parliament employees assisting the Speaker stand by the side when the House of Representatives (HoR) meeting starts. But, today’s scenario was different, there was only one employee by the side of Speaker Ghimire.

The effect of the ongoing protest of the employees, putting forth their 11 points of demands, has been seen in the HoR meeting as well. The employees were staging a protest on Tuesday.

In an emergency meeting session of the meeting CPN (UML) Member of Parliament (MP) Raghuji Panta said, ‘The employees were blocking the way and staging protest when we were entering the parliament.  Earlier they encircled the General Secretary of Parliament Secretariat, ‘said Panta.

He said that it was a sad scenario to witness the absence of employees; who assist the Speaker. ‘Today we can see no employees to assist the Speaker. Isn’t it sad to witness such a situation inside the parliament?’

Panta said the Federal Parliament Secretariat’s most of the demands were justifiable. He argued that the employees of the Secretariat should also get the facilities like other Ministers’ employees

Likewise, Speaker Devraj Ghimire and National Assembly Chairperson Narayan Dahal also held a meeting regarding the demonstration of employees on Monday. However, the meeting failed to reach an agreement.

The employees staged a protest inside parliament by tying up the black strip to fulfill their demands.

The demands of employees are the salaries of the officers and members of the Federal Parliament should be revised as per the merit order. The committee and sub-committee meeting procedure should be made timely according to the order of merit.

(Glimpses of demonstration of employees at Parliament) 

(Photo Courtesy: Saroj Badsnet)

Nepali version of news article


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